
Taking Photos 2


Modern digital cameras make taking usable photos much easier. Focussing and exposure/ shutter speed are often set automatically. Most of all, photos can be instantly reviewed and retaken if need be.


Contrast/ Good Lighting


Higher contrast subjects in good light generally produce the most consistent results.

Very high contrast subjects result in loss of detail in eg sky or shadow areas, except in very high end (expensive DSLR) cameras. Dull lighting will result in dull lifeless shots.


Picture Composition


  1. Rule of Thirds




These rather than the centre are the points of highest impact in a photo. So, for example, with a group picture, lining up faces horizontally along the top line works best. With the picture above, use is made of the thirds vertical lines.


See how often they use this rule on TV or in films!     


  1. Choice of Subject


This often makes or breaks a picture. Choose interesting subjects.

Try different viewpoints. Consider unusual viewpoints!


  1. Take Many Photos


Professional photographers take many photos and choose the best. There used to be a cost issue with films and print costs, but with Gb memory cards well under £10, the only limitation is time and battery use. Carrying a spare set of batteries or a spare fully charged lithium battery might be the difference between getting that super shot or not.


  1. Use Perspective


Either as part of the composition, or use a foreground item to give an indication of size/ distance in a shot.











    5.  Use Colours Matches or Colour Contrasts Wisely


Avoid clashing colours where possible. Colour harmony can be a matter of trial and error, though opposite colours on the colour wheel usually go together well. Try to have a small patch of one colour and a large patch of another colour to maximise effect!










Carry a camera with you!


Even a phone camera shot is better than nothing when an unexpected photo opportunity arises!